The final portrait illustration
Initial thumbnails. These were very small and quick - drawn in my sketch book. Here I focused on the silhouette and patterning on the armor.
After review, I cleaned up and detailed some of the best thumbs. I gave him the name "Red Right Hand" here and dubbed him: Sniper in the American Southwest!
The final design was starting to come through here, and for a while, I was toying with the idea that he'd have a poncho over his shoulders to hide his arm. The mech arm itself really started to take shape in this stage as well.
To understand how his gun would look, a rifle sketch was drawn.
A final grayscale painting is starting to come together here. A Break-down of some of the equipment was drawn to show details that may be unclear.
After plenty of feedback and iteration, here is where the final grayscale painting ended up before adding color.